Kathilyn Solomon
EFT Tapping Coach Since 2003
Reach me at kathilyn@gmail.com or 612 250 1968.
Tapping Into Wellness: Using EFT to Clear Emotional and Physical Pain and Illness is now published!
See link to Amazon here
EFT/Tapping played a significant role in my complete recovery from fibromyalgia,
which is in part why I made the decision to share EFT with others, perhaps even you!
In the early 2000s, I was in so much physical pain I told the chiropractor that if I could not get rid of
this pain, I would like to die. Good thing that my body didn’t listen to me!
Instead, I started listening to my body differently. I realized my beloved body was a treasure trove of
information, each piece of it useful in helping me resolve my symptoms of Fibro. I began to experience
a different relationship with my own body. Rather than saying I had a bad back, or that I needed to get
rid of this neck pain, or I hated how I looked or that I was bad at my body, I began smiling at my body,
loving my body, and being grateful that my body had so much information to share with me about my
own self!
Meantime, I was introduced to EFT in 2000, about the time of my diagnosis with Fibromyalgia. I
began practicing professionally in 2004, and am certified through EFT founder Gary Craig’s original
certification methods, as a Cert-1 EFT Practitioner. I also hold licensure or certification as AAMET
Practitioner 2, and at the practitioner level of EFT Universe and ACEP, as well. I also have an
extensive background in other holistic healing methods, including plant wisdom, energy touch,
The Reconnection Therapy, Spring Forest Qi Gong, and more.
Contact EFT health and wellness practitioner at kathilyn@gmail.com or at 612 250 1968.
Feel free to ask me for references from clients and note that my work includes a money-back
guarantee if clients do not get results. Kathilyn Solomon offers EFT sessions via skype, in person,
over the phone, and targeted subject workshops and seminars. From her base in Minneapolis,
Minnesota, Kathy coaches clients from the Midwest, across the nation, and throughout
the world (central time).